Request Info

Thank you for considering the Master of Arts in Live Entertainment Management (MLEM) degree here at the Frost School of Music and the University of Miami. The MLEM degree is a leading-edge program poised to boost your career goals in the industry.  Below you will find essential information regarding application requirements and processes. 

There are four options for completing the MLEM Degree:

Traditional, On Campus Enrollment

  • Applications are accepted for the fall term only.
  • Graduate applicants must have a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA for consideration.
    The MA in Live Entertainment Management does not require prior degrees in music. Most undergraduate degrees are considered.  
  • The application process requires you to A) complete the University of Miami application, B) submit transcripts from all prior colleges and universities, C) provide three letters of recommendation (previous professors or professional contacts preferred). 
  • If you are accepted and decide to attend the Frost School, you will be required to provide a final transcript showing a conferred degree. 
  • Materials submitted in support of an application cannot be released for other purposes nor returned to the applicant.
  • For more on degree program requirements, see: https://admissions.frost.miami.edu/_assets/pdf/graduate/gr-requirements
  • To review the Degree Program Checklist (particularly for International applicants), see: https://admissions.frost.miami.edu/_assets/pdf/graduate/gr-checklist.pdf
  • When ready to APPLY, go here to start the application process by creating an account: https://www.applyweb.com/miamigrd/index.ftl

Completing the degree via U ONLINE

J.D./M.A. completed in collaboration with the Miami Law School

4 + 1 Degree Option

Available to current Frost School of Music undergraduate students only.

For more information, contact the program director - gaw19@miami.edu 

More about the Live Entertainment Degree Program

Each student is fully engaged in the entirety of the program, with exposure to all of the professional-level issues of the field. 

Courses are designed with syllabi that ensure a sequence of learning filled with each of the best-practice topics and tactics necessary for gaining professional-level skills and wherewithal.

Each student is engaged in research designed to capture far-reaching information formed from intense study and field experiences.

Such research will result in (at least) two formal papers and presentations that exemplify exceptional effort and provide lasting value for the learner.

Such research includes but is not limited to creating and managing projects of various sizes, business models and implementation strategies, and industry-related statistical analysis such as environmental scans, demographics, and so forth, as well as the exploration of arts-based subjects that go to the heart of the arts presenting reason d'etere. 

Each student is introduced to professionals in the field—across the U.S. and beyond—such that they have developed a meaningful and useful network of mentors and contacts offering insights into live entertainment management issues, best practices, and opportunities for further learning.

The network of contacts is compelled into existence by way of coursework throughout the degree program that relies upon expert input as part of the assignment's objectives, as well as professionals introduced by faculty.

"The Live Entertainment Management program was my home, my family, and my inspiration...I miss it and cherish all the experience has done for me." - Kimberly, Class of '20
